Traditional Worship at Trinity is drawn from the Lutheran Service Book and utilizes hymns, ancient liturgy, and organ music. Our liturgy has been used and passed down in the church for centuries and is drawn directly from Scripture. It serves to point us ever to our Savior, Jesus Christ, grounding us in the unchanging truths of what He has accomplished for us in His death and resurrection.
Song lyrics and responses can be found both on the screens and in the hymnals provided in the pews. An order of worship is available online at
Special music is offered on occasion by our choir, handbells choir, etc.
Come as you are! You will see some people wearing sports coats and dresses while others dress more casually.
Worship services are between 50 and 70 minutes in length.
The Lord's Supper is the highlight of each service-where Jesus meets with us in His true Body and Blood. We celebrate Communion every Sunday.
We encourage and welcome children in church! Jesus says, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” (Mark 10:14-15) Trinity invites children forward for a children's message every Sunday and for baptism so they can see it up close! We believe that church is for the children of God at every age, and their normal wiggles and noises do not bother us. A "cry room" with rocking chairs is available during services for parents who need it-- but all children are welcome for the entire worship service in the main seating areas.
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